Sunday, December 18, 2011

Thought Addiction: Recognition is Growing in Southwest Florida

“Thanks to all and to all happy thoughts” 
I did a search on Thought Addiction and what did I see but that my blog "Post-traumatic Stress Disorder & Thought Addiction ( ) was #1 on Google Search for Thought Addiction. 

In fact this morning I was also #2 for my HUB article on Thought Addiction: The Truth at as well as #6 and #8 on first page. That is huge and I am grateful to all. 

On the second Google Search page my Thought Addiction Assessment is #8 there. If you want to find out if you might have a Thought Addiction -TA, take the assessment I have created to help anyone figure it out in the comfort of your home and grade it.

 I have worked hard to get this recognized for Thought Addiction (TA) and it is starting to get the recognition it deserves. As I have always said “Every addiction starts with a thought” and “Once sober all you are left with is the thought that started addiction to a substance, emotion, behavior or even a thought.”  

Please become a Member of My Blog. If you like this, then share with others, read all the articles in this blog and make a comments about them at the end.

Monday, November 21, 2011

How do I move forward with an unprocessed trauma memory?

I have great questions that come to me from individuals seeking freedom from traumatic memories and flashbacks. They tend to have trouble moving forward due to unprocessed traumatic memory or flashbacks. The aforementioned is a question and an answer that needs to be shared, so here is my opinion. I hope it is helpful to all of the individuals who have asked this question.

“If the focus of healing is on old unprocessed memories or destructive behavior patterns, then more than likely an individual will remain stuck in the past at the expense of the present. It is my belief that the real problem is the negative core beliefs that are attached to the memories. The core beliefs are being triggered at the same time as the unprocessed memories surface. As long as negative core beliefs are allowed to remain embedded in the subconscious, the individual will continue to be stuck in past images and repeat the same behavior patterns as well as display the same emotional reactions. What a person believes about self is based on the content of the accumulated core beliefs which trap him or her in the past at the cost of their present life. When a current event occurs and something from the event triggers a past core belief, the core belief then surfaces and causes a thought, emotion or behavior.

In over two decades of directly working with abuse and trauma survivors, I witnessed survivors attempting to process past trauma with no avail. Without any new skills, they continued to be triggered and stuck repeating the same things over and over again.

Research has demonstrated that it is impossible to change recollections, erase them or achieve amnesia from unprocessed memories that have been already recorded. There is a different way. The new focus of my life coaching program helps an individual to discover his or her old negative core beliefs that have formed and that are directly affecting their thinking, emotions and behavior. Life coaching is about learning new skills to assist an individual to identify his or her hidden negative core beliefs, and shift the core beliefs which unblocks them from being barriers. The action of shifting negative core beliefs and installing new ones dramatically cut off the triggers that make the negative core beliefs surface and thus the emotional reactions and behaviors will stop. Creating a new belief system is possible. It is concentrated work, but the results are extremely positive.”

Friday, October 21, 2011

Imagination is the Power to Success

"All change stems from our imagination. Imagination is capable of turning mind energy into a vision and success."  --Dr Bill

“How do I change my life in a positive way?”

Simply use your imagination. Imagination is one of our most powerful tools available to us.  Imagination is the one thing within us, as humans, that gives us the amazing ability to "create".  Think about it.  Our imagination can truly assist us in creating something new? Everything that we been created in the world has stemmed from the seed in someone's imagination. Everyone has this ability. Our imagination contains the magnificent power to generate thoughts or concepts (those intentions we wish, or desire or expect) which can be manifested in the future. Every idea dream and every goal can be achieved by accessing our creative mind.  And, with a little effort, focus and practice, a constant flow of ideas will come to with ease.  This is the brilliance of our human brain.

In order to access our imagination we have to spend time with our self.  Find a peaceful environment, get quiet, be calm, and ask for guidance with or inspiration about a specific desire or idea.  Focus on the desire or idea and say it aloud, then remain quiet and calm...and notice the flow of thoughts that come to mind.  Listen and hear the answers.  Write them all down. Do not discount or rationalize any thoughts that come to mind. Then, rest in the faith that our imagination generates additional ideas and solutions. Know that imagination possesses all the energy needed to continue generating more ideas and solutions on the way to accomplishing success in our lives. Believe, have faith and harvest the rewards. The more we practice the easier success will come and our imagination will open to its abundance.

For more ideas, visit Dr Bill's website

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thought Addiction

The importance of the concept of having an addiction to a thought has been increasing. Simply, thought addiction is when a thought or set of thoughts get stuck in your head and those thoughts begin to create a loop. As the thoughts loop, the person becomes more and more focused on them and less able to defocus from them. As the power of the thoughts increase, the person feels as though he or she has lost control. Once out of control, the thought ends up consuming his or her energy and depletes the ability to perform successfully. At that point the thought takes over his or her mental life and becomes addicting. Once a thought is no longer controllable the person acts out in different ways to turn it off. Some people use methods such as medicating it, fighting it or use a substance to avoid it. Many people with this condition state “I can’t get this thought out of my head and it is driving me crazy”. What is so important to take away from the concept of addiction to a thought is not a mental disorder or a lack of self control problem. Thought addiction is a skill deficiency.
Generally these types of thoughts are core beliefs from his or her past or negative statements expressed from someone else. They are triggered by a present event and mentally surface unconsciously into the mind. The most common example of this type of thought is “I am not good enough”. Cognitive therapists have long know and proven that a thought precedes an emotion and a behavior. But what is also true is that “every addiction begins and ends with a thought”. A few forms of thoughts which can result in chronic looping are:
·        body image thoughts
·        depressive thoughts
·         doubt
·         fear
·         worry
·         negative thoughts
·         obsessive thoughts
·         lack of worth thoughts
·        superstitious thoughts
·         suicidal ideation
·         weight thoughts
So it is important to understand that the way to stop an addiction to a thought or unceasing looping is through gaining and practicing mental skills. We have the power to command and reset or thoughts. We just need to acquire the proper skills and have a willingness to consistently practice the skills to effect positive change.

 Need Dr Bill’s Coaching Help?
I help people work on life challenges such as personal growth, emotional wellbeing, addiction recovery and relationships. Write to him and describe your situation:
Dr Bill Tollefson is a certified master life and holistic addiction recovery coach, speaker, radio personality and author and author of Separated From the Light. Visit him at
Other Articles on Subject:

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thoughts, Thoughts and More Thoughts

I have been working a lot on how thoughts are interact with addictions and ran across a very interesting statistic that expanded my mind on the power and magnitude of thoughts. A few years back the National Science Foundation estimated that a person produces nearly 50,000 thoughts a day. Isn't that incredible. I feel that this is a very important statistic to know. It helps us to understand the influence and power that our thoughts have on us. It can determine how we envision the direction of our lives and our emotional reactions. We improve our lives if we just become more mindful of the content of our thoughts.
I feel that if is very important that we discover what the content of our thoughts are because it affects our health - mentally, physically and spiritually. Here are some questions to think about. If the majority of our thoughts, over 25, 000 a day are negative, then how would that affect our reaction to the events we encounter daily? Conversely, if the majority of our thoughts were positive then what would be our reactions be?
Begin to become very mindful of the content of your thoughts. It will make all the difference in your life.

Read more and gain a skillful tip on how to empower yourself by shifting your thoughts. 
Also discover more on the power of thoughts and their relationship with addictions.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Dissertation Coach in Ft Myers, Florida

Feeling stuck in attempting to complete your Ph.D. dissertation?

I have been honored to coach some Ph.D. candidates toward their intention to complete their dissertations. These candidates reside in Florida as well as all over the country. The journey through the dissertation phase of a Ph.D. can be very rocky and frustrating. There are a lot of individuals who get stuck in this portion of the journey and some give up and remain ABD (all but dissertation). In my coaching practice I offer a customized dissertation action plan for Ph.D. candidates to assist them through this process. Choosing and dealing with their topic direction, dissertation committee, and being consistent with researching and writing.

I offer support and guidance coaching through the whole process to help candidates reach their goals of completion. I wish I had this availability to such a coach when I went through writing my dissertation and dealing with my committee. Attempting to do the process alone can be very scary.
To gain more information of this unique Dissertation Coaching Service contact me at or my website

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Core Beliefs: The Hidden Barrier to Success

I have worked with, studied and helped others with discovering their barriers to the success they would like to achieve. I would like to impart an example of how the formation and process of core beliefs happens.

My expertise has been on memory and how it affects how one thinks, acts and feels. I have discovered that during the time the brain is recording a life event a core belief forms that develops a belief about the person simultaneously. So with every event that is record there is a corresponding core belief forms and over time the core belief roots its self to the memory and sits in the shadow of the memory. Now flash to the present, when you are experiencing a life event the association triggers a past rooted core belief and it is the rooted core belief that determines how the person will react, think or feel unknown to the person. 

For example to help you understand: I am in elementary school and I am waiting for my grade for a test I studied hard for and I thought I did well on. My teacher comes to my desk, drops my test on the desk and I see that I got a D on the test (that is the memory). My teacher looks at me and says “I do not think that you can pass my course because you are not smart enough, so the core belief that forms is “I am not good enough (the #1 core belief for majority of people) or I am not smart enough or I cannot perform as well as others”. Flash to the present and I am at my job, I produce a report and a co-worker looks at me and says, “why did you not go to college, you are so smart” (the trigger). The memory of elementary school does not surface, but unknown to me the rooted core belief surfaces in my mind and out of my mouth I say “I am not smart enough”. To make a long story short rooted core beliefs from the past rule how a person functions in the present. The coaching I do, I guide individuals to examine their rooted core belief s, examine how the belief can be a barrier to their success and then assist them to shift their rooted beliefs to positive and open them to reach their maximum potential in their life today. Shifting core beliefs is possible, powerful and can be a reality. 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Addiction: What Does It Take

Wanting to beat an addiction takes more than just a wish, whether it is a substance, behavior emotion or thought. Essential to being successful, one has to develop an active action plan, sever of old habits and complete a shift in mindset. Also commitment and practice to a personal daily holistic recovery program, whatever form it takes, is required in order to beat an addiction. Just attending a recovery program and not working it is not enough. Dedication and consistent practice of a holistic recovery program is the key success. No athletic ever won a gold medal without practicing their sport every day, whether they felt like it or not. Part-time practice accomplishes nothing. One does not have to be perfect at the program to be successful, one just have to do it. Daily practice will increase one’s skill level and help create a discipline. In conclusion, cessation of an addiction is achieved by changing habitual addiction patterns, full allegiance to a holistic recovery program and daily follow through. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Thought Addiction

“Addictions come in all kinds of different forms, but all start with a thought”

What is a thought addiction?
Thought addiction is real. It can consume and devastate someone’s life. Can there be an addiction to a thought? By definition yes it can. The definition of thought addiction is the development of a habitual pattern to one thought or set of thoughts. Thought addiction is the returning to a thought that does not serve the individual and has damaging results that depletes every system of the body. An addiction to a thought produces a rapid and intense change in mood and causes a painful withdrawal when there is an attempt to stop.
To learn more about thought addiction by cut and pasting these two links:

Monday, May 30, 2011

Use Habit Patterning to your Advantage

The good news is that the more you practice a new behavior, a thought or emotion, the more it will become a habit.  For better or worse researchers found that it takes as short as 30 days to condition you and form an automatic habit. 

Unfortunately, patterning happens with negative behavior, thought or emotion as well as positive. So if you overly focus on one thing repetitively then it embeds itself deeply and becomes your reality.

Use this research to your advantage. You can change a behavior, thought or emotion into a success pattern by consciously practicing positive either for 30 days.  This new pattern in turn will motivate you to achieve your goals. Positive patterning will create benefits of increased organization and productivity, fewer crises, more life balance and mental peace.  Focusing on where are headed is more important than where you have been or how fast you are accomplishing things. And remember that your strongest tool for success is creative visualization. Imagine in your mind how you will be, think and feel in the future.

Five Tips for Creating a Success Patterning
1. Visualize your new behavior, thought or emotion early in the morning, with your morning cup of coffee or tea for 30 days straight.
2. Train yourself to be consistent and perform your new pattern training as it is your job.
3. Do not work on too objectives at once. Work on one behavior, thought or emotion at a time.
4. Do not procrastinate.  Slow down & focus on the changes you want to make. Visualize yourself changing them.
5. Balance your life with rest, healthy nutrition and exercise.

Here is another piece of advice.
Experience everyday as though you have a blank canvas in front of you and paint on the canvas new behaviors, thoughts and emotions you want to express through “creating in the moment”. Do not attempt to fix the past or project into the future.

Remember the healthier you think you are the healthier you are.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Our Words Make Us Who We Are

“Our words have the power to shape who we are

It is a fact that we are what we speak. Our words have extreme power in the formation of our identity. Words determine how we view ourselves, how we compare ourselves to others and the world and how we react or do not react to any situation.

We need to be very mindful of the content of our words about ourselves. I have learned that “the words that come out of our mouths go directly into our ears unfiltered”. So the brain registers the words, and it says “if that is how you want it then it will be so”.  The brain will make it true and cloud the real truth. Understand that the human brain is a non-judgmental and non-emotional organ, and believes what we say about ourselves, is the truth. So speaking words like stupid, ugly, no good or worthless often, even though not true, will become part of our “true” identity.

We need to take stock in the words we utter, because they make come back to haunt us, even if we were just kidding or attempting not to be conceited. The words that we use to describe ourselves could deform our identity for years to come. Be ever vigilant. Speak positive self words and begin a formation of a positive identity. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Results on Rooted Core Belief Survey

I wanted to share the results of the survey I conducted on Facebook. The question was “When doubt surfaces in you due to problems or stress in your life, what you think first?” I wanted to know the first thought that surfaced when a person was faced with stressful or overwhelming life events. I wanted to compare it to other surveys and what I was noticing in people I have been coaching. I though this knowledge was very important to increase understanding of why some people experience barriers when attempting to be successful in their life.

The people who participated had three choices: 1. “I am not good enough”; 2. “I do not deserve to___” or “I do not measure up”. The results were very interesting. The number one rooted core belief reported by the individuals who participated was “I am not good enough”. This rooted core belief was found to be the #1 in many other surveys and the number one reported by people I coach. This rooted core belief reflected the person’s self-perceive weaknesses or the skills they think they are lacking. The second most common was “I do not measure up to ____”. This one reflects that under stress people tend to compare themselves with others. The last reported was “I do not deserve to ____”. This rooted core belief tends to reflect the issue of permission or the right to heal old wounds, be rewarded or succeed. 

The good news is that all three can be shifted and no longer be a barrier to personal growth or success.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Musing" to Shift DID Systems

One of my passions is to deeply understand the world of DID systems. Not only do I believe that the formation of DID is a normal response to an overwhelming life event, but also DID is a powerful defensive process against repetitive abuse and trauma.
For decades this "alternative world" was painted in negative light. For 14 years, I have been looking to develop a method to help individuals with DID systems to have a more cohesive life without crisis, chaos, separateness and constant episodes of terror. I think I have found a positive method from the life coaching I have been doing with DID clients. That method is "musing". Muses have been a huge inspiration for poets, writers and artists dating back to pre- Greek and Roman times. In reference to DID systems, musing is facilitating a massive shifting of the system's mindset from protective compartmentalization to collective inspiration.  Through musing, a system (or as one of my clients called her system her "troops") stops focusing on possible threats and turns all energy toward being the inspirational and creative energy for the whole. Under this new mindset everyday is a blank canvas on which the muses create a new painting. Life then becomes art and not something to avoid.
This method has been embraced by many systems and I have witnessed quick mindset shifts and dramatic results. No matter where you are on the continuum, healing is possible. To participate and gain the benefits of this exciting method, go to  Learn more by reading my HUB Article

Monday, March 28, 2011

Mistakes Enrich the Soul

Many people are very frightened and apprehensive to make a mistake. They become so afraid that they isolate from life, so it is not possible to make a mistake. The more afraid we are to make a mistake, the less willing we are to risk, the more we are restricted and stuck. Therefore our Soul becomes deprived of the nutriments needed to thrive.
Therefore don't let past life mistakes determine your future. We all make mistakes. Without mistakes we cannot learn and transform. No one is perfect.  So we cannot allow them to define who we are.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

RRT 2.0 Is Universal: Helps Everyone

Last Monday I had the privilege to be the feature professional speaker on Michele Rosenthal's Professional Perspectives Teleseminar series about RRT and RRT 2.0. I felt it was a very enlightening discussion on PTSD, the cause of flashbacks, memory function, the brain, and how one can heal through RRT. Healing is possible. No one needs to be afraid to face their memories.

If interested in hearing the Teleseminar then copy this link and paste in your browser:
 Or click on it and it will open on your media player.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Depression: Barrier to Success

A lot of people have trouble with depression at some point in their life. There are many different types of depression. There is depression due to grief, loss of a loved one, withdrawal and situational. I had been taught that situational depression was "anger turned inward". My question had been "angry at what?" I was never given an answer. I also did not feel that that answer "anger turned inward" was not a complete sentence or idea. Something was missing. After 60 years of life I finally was able to answer the question. Here is the complete description for situational depression; "Life depression is anger turned inward, due to his or her judgment of how they performed or did not perform in a life event". I hope that answers your question on depression. If you want more information go to  and read more on the subject.

First Social Video Show on Facebook

The question for my 1st social video show aired over Facebook was “What is your Personal Philosophy?”  You can watch and learn more about my theory for personal growth and healing. I have gotten very good response from the viewers of the show. I plan on doing more episodes and I asked people interested in seeing more to suggest topics they would like me to talk about. Participate and send me suggestions at for what you want to hear on "Transforming with Dr. Bill"

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I have been picked up by iExist Magazine

I just learned today that I have been picked up as a feature writer for a brand new magazine in development. The magazine will be called "iExist Magazine" and its literary focus will be on "Transformation" in all areas of life. I am thrilled to be involved in the beginning of the magazine.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

“My Biggest Barrier to My Success is Me”

Many of us get into a "comfort zone" in our lives. We all want to grow and succeed, but in order to do that we have to take a risk and move out of our comfort zone. Just the thought of moving out of one's comfort zone can be a real scary experience and can bring up many rooted beliefs we have accumulated over the years. Beliefs like "maybe I am not good enough", "maybe I am not smart enough", or ""what if I do it wrong" can surface and cause us to stay in a comfort zone that is not working for us. Do not let your fear hold you back from your dreams. Take a risk, venture out and grab the success you deserve.

Friday, March 4, 2011

This Saturdays Renew You Life with Dr Lisa Palmer Radio Show

Hey everyone. Dr Palmer had to cancel the Radio Show for this Saturday until next Saturday March 12th. I will send out a notice on that next week. Sorry for the delay. Hope you tune in next week.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Here is the BlogTalkRadio Link to Listen to the Today's Show

For those who want to listen to the Radio Show I did today, here is the link  I am still getting feedback. Enjoy the show.

Radio Show on Core Beliefs and Relationships

I want to thank everyone for listening to The Michele Hughes Radio Show this morning on and on radio. I spoke on "What Beliefs You Have About Your Relationship Is Probably True". Many questions were emailed in. I discussed how old beliefs from past relationship affect our present relationships. I have gotten very good feedback from a lot of people. Listeners reported that they learned a lot of information and felt they benefited from the show. I had a great time doing it.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Radio Show "What Beliefs You Have About Your Relationship Is Probably True"

I am very excited about tomorrow's topic. The topic for the Michele Hughes Radio Show March 1 at 11:30 am EST is:

"What Beliefs You Have About Your Relationship Is Probably True" 
It should be a very informative show. Hope everyone listens live on and call to ask questions important to you on the subject. The link is
Do not forget by marking the show on your schedule.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Core Beliefs have the Power to Heal or Be Destructive

“Your core beliefs have the power to be more healing or destructive than anything else in the world” - Dr. Bill 2010

The human brain forms beliefs about everything it experiences throughout one’s life. Belief by definition is the mental acceptance of an action, idea, statement or thought as being true even though it may not be. A belief is a subjective attitude that is formed in relationship to an experience. The content of a belief is accepted by the brain based on the degree of emotional reaction the. The greater the emotional response to the belief the more it becomes rooted and believed to be true.
It is individual beliefs that make up a human’s belief system. The belief system can motivate the human toward success or be a barrier to growth and cause an act of self-sabotage. Past beliefs also determine a human’s behavior, emotions, life responses and thoughts.  
There is hope…..

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mental Food Series has a New Location

Mental Food Series that has been so successful on Facebook will be connected to this Blog and Twitter. I will now offer expanded discussion on my Mental Food Quotes.
“Health is when you realize that you are no longer a product of your past”
It is not our memories which turns our lives upside down, but the shadows that attach themselves to the memory which causes our pain. A common thought by a lot of people is that we are “defined by our past”. This could not be further from reality.  It is not the recording of our past that defines us, but it is the core belief that formed and over time roots into our subconscious flavoring our present. A rooted belief surfaces when a present event stimulates their renewal. It is the mindset we hold today which determines our health.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Negative Thoughts Bother Me

Why do negative thoughts enter my mind? Well there are two routes that need to be considered. Negative thoughts are generally triggered unconsciously in course of our daily lives.  Route #1 is when negative thoughts surface as the result of a current event stimulating a memory of a previous event to release a root belief from that event For example: a rooted belief could be “I am not good enough”. The other route is when the current event stimulates the audio portion of the memory and releases the direct statement recorded in the brain, like “You will never be any good at anything”. Understand that both routes of delivery are disempowering.  You have no idea where they came from. Both influence you by running in the background but cause you to think negative ways. The positive thing is it is possible to make a shift in both, and neutralize the influence on you, so it no longer affects you. Transformation can occur quickly.

I am Now on Twitter

I just signed up for Twitter. My username is @DrBillLifeCoach
Please follow me and stay current on what is happening with me and all the new stuff coming up...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

D.I.D. Life Coaching vGroup

I want to tell everyone how happy I am about how the D.I.D. Life Coaching vGroup is progressing. The community has completed two sessions and it has grown. All the community members are involved and from their homework feedback are gaining from the experience. A connection and hopefully ownership is happening between the community members. Reports from members, “I have a place and others like me to connect with. I do not feel alone.” “I get to do this from the safety of my own home and network with others.”
Using the median of Skype has been better than I could ever expect. The conversations are lively. The added advantage to this virtual group is that each member and coach can see each other. “When in a semi-circle group setting in a room, there were a lot of members I could not see. They were like secret members. On Skype I clearly see everyone when they talk. Very helpful.”

"Sharing with others is courageous and freeing" ~ Dr. Bill

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

More Information on SRTT or Subconscious Rapid Transformation Technique

Couple days ago I posted "Exciting News" blog about my recent certification in SRTT. Many people have asked me for more information about it. Here is a link to Dr. Wanis’s, founder of the technique, webpage on SRTT -  
On the page, you can find a lot of detail on SRTT. Halfway down the page there is a link you can click and find out all the Clinicians and Life Coaches who are certified in the country.
Thank you for the interest.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Rapid Reduction Technique® Updated to 2.0 – A New Life Skill

Everyone is influenced by their past life experiences. You accumulate a core belief with each life event you experience. These core beliefs become rooted in your subconscious and sometimes block what you want to accomplish. Old rooted beliefs surface at the most unexpected times and influence how you think and behave without your knowledge. Do not be a slave to unconscious beliefs any longer.
Well now there is a way to stop the hold old rooted beliefs have on you - Rapid Reduction Technique® 2.0 (RRT® 2.0).  Rapid Reduction Technique® 2.0 is an enhancement to the original RRT® that has been so successful for so many survivors for a decade. RRT® 2.0 works for anyone who is just bother, consciously or subconsciously, by an embedded belief that influences how well you function. An example of a rooted belief is “I am not good enough” or “I do not deserve”. Embedded beliefs like these can be a barrier to you being a success, having a healthy relationship or getting a college degree.
RRT® 2.0 helps you to wipe out a self restricting rooted belief while assisting you to shift to a new, empowering belief. RRT® 2.0 takes longer than the original RRT® but the advantages of RRT® 2.0 are so much more. Not only does RRT® 2.0 decrease the intensity of and eliminate the rooted belief and disconnect the trigger, but this updated method also helps you uncover the root cause, shift you to a new mindset, dissolve the resistance, and change the core value, as well as disable the associated disempowering emotions. So do not wait, free yourself of the barriers that impede you from achieving your future intentions and perform better in your personal life as well as your professional life. Transforming your life is possible. 

Exciting News

I would like to share some exciting news. Last September I enrolled in a training course to increase my coaching skills with Dr. Patrick Wanis, Ph.D., Celebrity Life Coach. Dr. Wanis has been on Fox News, CNN, Dr. Phil Show and Oprah as well as many radio shows. He has written books and offers DVDs on his techniques. The course was on Subconscious Rapid Transformation Technique or SRTT. He only accepted 17 students in the country for the course.
The training course was 7 weeks long with a field practicum reviewed and supervised personally by him. I benefited and gained a lot of knowledge from Dr. Wanis’s teaching and mentoring.  I learned in depth how to work with the subconscious or emotional mind. I felt the experience was well worth the hard work, assignments, time and study.
I am proud to announce that today I received my certification. Out of the 17 students who enrolled, I was 1 of 5 who completed the certification process. Subconscious Rapid Transformation Technique is for individuals who would like to learn why they have been stuck in their life and not having the life they are seeking.
I am now one of 5 certified by Dr. Wanis in the country to conduct SRTT. SRTT is a very powerful healing and transformational tool that I can add to my coaching practice to mentor others seeking change in their lives.

Friday, January 14, 2011

You Don’t Need to Disappear to be Safe

In my many years of helping others I have heard the statement “I just want to disappear” over and over from depressed people when they feel that their life is out of control. Many think that “disappearing” is a way to stay safe. Just disappearing is not the answer. Many who experience crisis in their life or failed relationships want to hide. He or she reverts to cutting ties with family, friends or support system, sinking into addiction, isolating or withdrawing. Distorted thinking that breeds out of being alone, such as “if I am alone and do not interact with others then I will not be hurt” are not the answer and in fact end up making them more unsafe.
The more we are alone, the more doubt enters the mind. This leads to self judgment and thoughts of weakness or a feeling of being “less than”. If others perceive that him or her is weak then there is a good chance they will be hurt again.
What is the answer? To be honest it is the opposite behavior that keeps him or her safe. By being social and increasing our social contacts, being more with family and friends, the support system will begin to generate different thoughts patterns.  Then the perception that he or she gives off will be one of strength. Really it is what we give off to others that keep us safe.