Thursday, June 9, 2011

Addiction: What Does It Take

Wanting to beat an addiction takes more than just a wish, whether it is a substance, behavior emotion or thought. Essential to being successful, one has to develop an active action plan, sever of old habits and complete a shift in mindset. Also commitment and practice to a personal daily holistic recovery program, whatever form it takes, is required in order to beat an addiction. Just attending a recovery program and not working it is not enough. Dedication and consistent practice of a holistic recovery program is the key success. No athletic ever won a gold medal without practicing their sport every day, whether they felt like it or not. Part-time practice accomplishes nothing. One does not have to be perfect at the program to be successful, one just have to do it. Daily practice will increase one’s skill level and help create a discipline. In conclusion, cessation of an addiction is achieved by changing habitual addiction patterns, full allegiance to a holistic recovery program and daily follow through. 

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