Friday, December 31, 2010

Transformation is Possible

“Transformation is a process that frees the mind and heals the soul. In order to achieve a state of transformation, one must identify what is, release it and move toward what can be.”
A new opportunity is upon us with the onset of a new year. Focus on moving toward healing and success by seeking "Transformation of Self". Imagine that our mind and body are like a vessel. The events of the past year have filled our vessel with all type of experiences, emotions and thoughts, which can be either negative or positive. Once the vesssel is filled, the vessel cannot take on anymore. Our vessel becomes overloaded and unable to move in any direction. We tend to hold on to the cargo through false perceptions, fears, resentments or rooted beliefs. To enter into a state of transformation, the vessel needs to be unloaded of the old cargo to allow new cargo to be taken aboard. Let go of the old so that you have the space to allow new experiences, emotions and thoughts to be accepted. Anything is possible.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

#1 in Live365 Relationships Talk Radio Stations

Want to share with all some good news I just got today. I had done a few interviews on the Michele Hughes Show on the National Internet Live365 Talk Radio Station. One of the shows just became #1 in their ratings. Here is the link if you are interested - Copy and paste it into your browser. I am very proud that the show has touched so many people. Evidently my new theories on Core Beliefs have impacted a lot of listeners. Thanks to all who follow me through the development of my new Life Coaching Practice.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Tips for a Successful Relationship

During these times of high stress, our focus strays away from relationship and toward external validation. Here are some tips that will help you to have a more successful relationship.
1. Mutual commitment – it is important to pledge emotional involvement to each other
2. Support each other’s identity and individuality within the relationship
3. Authentic Communication – talk often and open, in both good and stressful times.
4. Share in mutual interests and fun – without jealousy or competitiveness  
5. Take ownership – do not judge, harbor resentments or be critical
6. Have sense of humor and reveal in the partnership

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Interesting Concept on Body and Mind

"The body follows the it it bad or be it disowned"

How your body reacts depends on how your mind is fed. If your mind is fed negative information or focuses on bad events or emotions then the body follows suit and it becomes sick. On the other hand if the mind is fed good material and focuses on growth and moving forward then the body reacts and performs at peak levels. How your life goes depends solely on what it is fed. Be aware of what you are allowing your mind to focus on. If you do not like it then make a shift in your thoughts. The more you work on shifting your thoughts the more successful you will be in life.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Hardship of the Holiday

“Grief, though a period of sadness and emptiness, is meant to be a spiritual celebration.”
In this season of happy holidays, for some of us who have lost loved ones during the year, it seems that celebrating after such a loss does not seem right. But really in this season of gratitude, not to celebrate is a dishonor to their memory. It is time to celebrate what we had with them, not what we do not have now. Show the ones who have left how much their time here was memorable and worthwhile. Bestow honor by spiritually opening to their memory, allowing their love to be displayed through the gathering of your family, passing on their gifts through stories and decorating the house so the brightness of the Christmas lights shine into the heaven and says “See you are remembered and you are loved.”

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Understanding Relationships

I was a guess on a national radio show yesterday. In preparing for the show and with organizing my thoughts I came up with a quote to start the show. I would like to share to help anyone think deeply about their relationships with self and others. The quote is as follows: “How we conduct our relationships with others is a direct reflection of how we conduct our relationship with self”. What I was attempting to say is that if you cannot have successful relationship with yourself it is hard to deserve to have a successful and fulfilling relationship with others. The relationship may not totally mirror each other, but if you think that you are “not good enough” to have a relationship with yourself then how can you accept a relationship with others. Good relationship starts from within.